SCCL Race #5 – The Bourne Woods, 2nd March 2025


Apologies for the silence regarding the final race of the XC season.

I now have confirmation & details of this race which can be viewed

in Bourne Woods XC Details .


The race date has been moved back to the 2nd March.

Directions, times & parking details can be found on the flier.

Although we’re not in contention for the top spot, there’s still a chance we can finish in the top 3 with a strong performance, so it would be great to field a strong team and finish the season with a bang.

As always, if you have any questions or would like to know more about cross country, please reply to this email or come and chat to me at training.


Food Bank Run


A little reminder that we are holding the food bank run on Wednesday, the 26th February.  If you could bring your donations along on that club night then myself and Lisa will take over to our local food bank which I know will be greatly appreciated.


AGM & Awards Evening


Don’t forget the AGM & Awards evening that will be taking place on the 28th March.

One of the categories is the Burtonian Award which I like to call the “runners runner” award.

This is where we put forward 3 striders and then it is voted for on the night.  As we have done in previous years we are after nominations from you guys so please send over any names that you would like thrown into the mix.

This could be anyone – from someone that is particularly inspiring to you, you feel Red & Green running through their veins, beavers away in the background helping the club run or just someone that you feel is an all round good egg.  Get your nominations over to us in the next few weeks please so we can start prepping for the awards.


Bushy Park Parkrun


Thanks to all of you that have put names forward for our proposed outing to Bushy Parkrun in May.  I am collating a list to ensure it is viable to put on a coach and will keep you updated.  If anyone hasn’t let me know and would be interested, pop me a note and I will add you onto the list.




The latest newsletter from our lovely Newsletter editor Dawn can be read here..  Another great read and thank you to all of you that contribute to this.  If anyone has any race reports, inspiring stories or anything they think would be great to share with your fellow runners.  Please feel free to send over to Dawn for the upcoming additions




Just a gentle reminder that membership annual subscriptions are due on 1st January 2025. Cost this year remains at  £30.00 but please note that this rate applies to ALL mebers, including second claims.  See membership information page for details of how to pay.  Existing members only need to complete an application form if they have changed their address since last year.

Gosport Half Marathon Results


Congratulations to all Striders who participated in the Gosport Half Marathon this Morning!

See the following link for the results along with those for other races this month. 

                         November Race Results

The Striders’ League spreadsheet has been updated in which can also be seen the Gosport results in more detail.

                          Striders’ League-Issue 5