Please follow the June Results link to see all of this month’s race results and 2023 Results to view all results from 2023 and 2022.

A big thank you to Rachael Harrison who will now be  taking over the collation of results from Clare and a big thank you to Clare who has been keeping all the Striders’ results sheets up to date over the past months among her many other club duties.  If anyone runs any races please let Rachael know and she can add to the results sheet for the week. This is particularly important for races outside the immediate local area of which Rachael is unlikely to be aware! The “Fastest Times” for individuals will continue to be published and you may or may not be aware of the “Power of 10” site:


Here, once you are are EA Registered, you will be able to look up your races and it details your PBs for every distance. Simply put in your surname and club and it will come up.  Most races get logged on here although, unfortunately, not all e.g. those races organised by “Believe & Achieve which include the Portsmouth Coastal Marathon and Half Marathon.