Running Routes

Looking for some new routes?

This page has some popular local running routes.

Safety These routes all have a lot of road running (we are a road running club): think safety!

Join a group? As well as our Monday and Wednesday evening training sessions we have a number of informal groups who meet up for longer runs, particularly at the weekend. It’s a great way to find new routes and make new friends. There is more information on the ‘Home’ tab under ‘Social Sessions’.

Maps You can download maps and directions from the links below.

Runs from Lidl Cowplain

Bird in Hand (6.8 miles)
Havant Thicket (6.2 miles)
Blendworth Loop (5.8 miles)
Denmead Loop (6.5 miles)
Solar Farm (9.0 miles)
Hinton Manor Lane (7.7 miles)
Sheepwash and Berewood Path (9.0 miles)

Rowlands Castle Golf Course Run


Runs from Denmead Scout Hut

Denmead 10K Route (6.2 miles)
Hambledon Vineyard (7.1 miles)

Runs from Horndean Fire Station

Chalton Loop (7.1 miles)
Chalton Windmill (6.1 miles)

Runs from Falcon Pub

Berewood and Pigeon House Lane run